Point-to-point cable cam for live TV broadcast on display at NAB Show 2019
A Defy Dactylcam with NEWTON stabilized head producing live feed from a SONY P50 and Canon HJ14 lens to NAB Show Live
NAB Show Las Vegas 2019
Newton Nordic & Defy Products
In the NAB central lobby
This year Newton Nordic and Defy Products Inc. was invited to have a shared booth in the NAB central lobby, close to the NAB Show Live studio. Besides the display of DEFY Dactylcam cable cams and NEWTON stabilized camera systems in the booth, we also installed a 1D cable cam above the booth, that moved across the lobby. Visitors could try the operation of this Defy Dactylcam with NEWTON stabilized head through the Defy foot pedals and the NEWTON control panel. A few times per day this cable cam, with SONY P50 camera and Canon HJ14 lens, was also supplying a live feed to the NAB Show live channel, produced by Broadcast Beat.
MAT & Silvus technologies
MAT (Mad About Technology) and Silvus Technologies are two other manufacturers that exhibited the NEWTON camera system integrated with their solutions at NAB Show 2019. MAT from Germany manufactures towercams on remote camera dollies and Silvus supplies high quality wireless data bridges with multiple frequencies. Silvus Technologies displayed the NEWTON system on a Agito remote dolly from Motion Impossible and all data communication passed through a wireless Silvus Steamcaster system.
The NEWTON / DEFY booth in the central lobby with a moving cable cam above
Meeting TV producers and service providers at the booth
Mounting the live cable cam above the central lobby
DEFY Dactylcam + NEWTON S2 stabilized head
MAT Towercam with NEWTON stabilized remote head
Motion Impossible Agito with NEWTON stabilized head and Silvus wireless link
Robin Kahlbom and Drew Janes presenting the cable cam for NAB Show Live